☻   12 designs by diverse illustrators, calligraphers and designers across UK and US  ☻
A research project into the barriers facing working mothers in advertising shared the insight that "94% of mothers working in advertising believe the industry fails to accommodate their needs. Being a working mother is extremely hard. Add to the juggling act: trying to manage inappropriate comments from bosses and work colleagues, and it’s no wonder mothers don’t always feel particularly welcomed or supported in the industry.

I set out to change how people in Advertising talk to mums.

To use the innocuous, often flowery and frilly Mother’s Day card as a vehicle to deliver our appreciation, support and respect for working mums, through the lens of the creative industry. In tandem, we ran a social campaign that shines a light on what not to say to mums, manifesting how undervalued this vital group of people are.


Using insights gleaned from real mums in the industry; I selected a group of diverse female designers, illustrators and calligraphers across the UK and America to create a similarly diverse selection of playful, quirky and creative cards.

The cards were available to purchase via Shesays Ebay shop. Social posts featuring each designs were launched throughout the week leading up to Mother's Day.
Mikaela Dragon © Creative since 2010. Proud mum of 3 sausage dogs